Saturday, June 11, 2011

Workout Log 2.43.3 - Shoulders

Shoulder Day sometimes can be difficult mostly because my shoulder have great endurance, but they lack in strength and size compared to some of the other parts of my body.  About the only thing i feel really confident about is my traps.

Motivation: 9.5 - Very High, but I hate distractions right before

Focus: 9 - Solid

Goals: Complete Workout, Good Mind- Muscle Connection, Good Preparation

Preparation: Meditation - 5min.; Visualization / Stretching

Weight Training:
Dumbbell Lateral Side Raises: 20 lbs.: 15-15-15
Dumbbell Front Raises: 20 lbs.: 15-15-15
Dumbbell Press: 30ls.: 15-15-15
Upright Row: 85lbs.: 15-10-10
Shrugs: 155lbs.: 25-25-25
Dumbbell Shrugs: 60lbs.: 25-25-20

Training Notes:
Not a tough day, but my shoulders are sore.  No cardio is going to slow progress so I will have to do something about that when I get back from Romania.  The weather has gotten really cold for this time of year too: 64 degrees today.

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