Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Body Stats - Week 46 - Pre-Cut Goals.

Prior to any Cutting Diet, it is helpful to have some sort of goals and body stats are a way of setting them.  Looking at the raw numbers my trip to Romania actually did me some good as I dropped down to 269lbs. Gained it all back to 271 with the last week back home but my biggest fear of gaining too much weight never came about as I am pretty much where I was when I left. My leg and hip measurement shrunk as well and that gives me mixed feelings.  If I am losing body fat it would be OK but this may be muscle loss as my body fat did not budge.  All that walking in Budapest, Hungary and Oradea, Romania seems to have trimmed my legs down by purging water.  

What I would like to see is my muscle restored by keeping fluid intake up and also see some more fat loss past my previous point last year.  Last year I achieved 5% body fat (the way I measure it) and 262lbs.  I think in the next six weeks it may be reasonable to try to break the 5% ceiling, say 4.5% and also drop 15 to 20 more pounds (256 to 250lbs.).  It is doable as long as I keep strict diet and do lots of cardio over the next six weeks. 

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