Today was the first day in two weeks I really felt well enough from this Spring cold to workout. I decided to hit my chest and shoulders and also decided to do no cardio other than warm up and then see how I feel. Today was a light day because I am coming off illness. I also am cutting so both issues are making my weak as a kitten, but I am tired of not training. I tried two workouts earlier this week and they were pretty much epic failures. Dropped the weight levels this workout as well. More concerned about finishing than anything else.
Motivation: 9 - ready to get back into it
Goals: Complete workout, good mind-muscle connection, good preparation.
Preparation: Meditation - 5min, Visualization with light stretching, 10 min. stationary bike.
Weight Training: 45seconds between sets, 90 secs between exercises.
Chest: 12-15 reps
Bench Press: 115lbs (3sets):15-15-15
Incline Dumbbell Press: 40lbs (3sets):15-15-15
Dumbbell Flye: 40lbs. (3sets):15-12-12
Delts: 12-15reps
Lateral Side Raises: 20lbs. (3sets):15-15-15
Dumbbell Press: 30lbs(3sets)15-15-15
Traps: 15-25 reps
Dumbbell Shrugs: 60lbs. (4 sets)25-25-25-25
Training Notes:
All goals were achieved and intensity was solid but not my best. I didn't do to bad considering this is my first real workout in two weeks. Training while sick is a real no-no for me usually but I think my body is recovered I am just getting rid of the aftermath as far as congestion. I am definitely working out more next week as this one went pretty good.
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