Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Arnold Classic 2011 Picks!

I am only going to pick for the big competition. Sorry Bikini, Figure, Fitness, Bodybuilding Women and 202 Men, I just don't know your competition criteria enough to make a call. The only reason I am even picking this is to see how well I am learning the sport and compare my thoughts to what happens.

The big news is of course that two time champ Kai Greene is sitting this one out and so is Phil Heath (being 2nd both at Olympia and Arnold last year). Jay Cutler being Mr. Olympia needs not apply. Last year's Heath vs. Greene will not repeat. That leaves things a little wide open. This is going to be a wild one with some very good and evenly matched competitors. Based on what I see, here is what I think should happen.

1. Branch Warren - Branch has been playing second fiddle long enough. Two 3rd places at Olympia the last two years and a second and 2 third place finishes at the Arnold over the last three years are his resume and without Heath, Greene or Cutler in front of him, he should win this one. He needs this one to make a statement going into Olympia 2011 so that is even more motivation.

2. Dexter Jackson: The 2008 Mr. Olympia and three time Arnold winner will add a second place trophy to his mantle. I really like Dexter but he is starting to have the air of veteran player who is starting to have his star slowly fall. Hopefully I am wrong and a Arnold win would definitely mark him as back in the game, but I have to say second.

3. Dennis Wolf: Dennis Wolf has regained his momentum and is heading forward with his 'no more gurus' approach. I think it earns him a 3rd slot barely. He is a guy who can challenge the top two and if he has a great day could definitely pass them.

4. Victor Martinez: Victor needs this one and a top finish at Arnold would put him back in the big game as well. He seems to be rebounding from his leg injury very well and if he can get it together he could win this one with a little help.

5. Ronny Rockel: Ronny finished sixth last year. I would normally say then it would be fourth place for the German with Greene and Heath out. The problem I see is a resurgent Wolf and Martinez. He is going to have to be perfect to finish better than fifth.

6. Toney Freeman: I love the X-Man and in a perfect world where symmetry and frame mattered as much as size, Toney should be in the top three. However this is not a perfect world.

7. Evan Centopani: After two years off Evan is going to be the guy that rises to the top over the next decade. Finishing this high would be a good start.

8. Roelly Winklaar: 'The Dutch Beast' is getting better, I just don't see him having that little something extra that takes him past the guys I have listed above him.

9. Sergey Shelestov: The Russian Born Canadian will lead the rest of the field. He is my dark horse in a sense because I feel he will finish this high. I like his physique it reminds me a little of Nasser El-Sonbaty.

10. Ben Pakulski: Like Ben as well, but he is going to have to be spot on to beat some of these veterans.

11. Fouad Abaid: This guy's classic looks should serve him well.

12. Jonnie Jackson: The worlds strongest bodybuilder of 2009 will be hard pressed in this field.

13. Mohammed Touri: This guy looks great, but a veteran field will sweep him away. Give him a few years and he will challenge someone.

14. Robert Poitrkowicz: I think this guy slips this year.

15. Essa Obaid: A lot of people are going nuts for this guy, I don't see why myself. Maybe its the hair.

Well that is it. I guess we will see how it comes out on March 5th. I hope I do OK, but I have only been bodybuilding myself for a year and a half and following the sport for a couple years. We will see how it comes out.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Muscle and Fitness: March 2011 - Review

The March 2011 Issue of Muscle and Fitness (M&F) features strongman Derek Poundstone on the cover. I got very excited about this issue when I read the letter from the editor Seth Kelly who promises a 'new, revamped magazine'. Over the years, if I have a complaint about M&F it has been that it stays on the beginner side of things and as a person gets more experienced it loses its appeal. So when I heard this I was excited to see what the actual changes were.

The theme of this magazine is strength and size and that is keeping with the March/Spring part of the training cycle. The springtime being the last moments of mass gain right before the cutting season of Summer. The second month of the Rock Hard Challenge is in here as well with new routines and nutrition.

Best Quote: "I wanted to put things in perspective. An injury is an injury. Death is final." - Derek Poundstone p. 125.

Highlight Article: "Juggernaut Jacked" - This article highlights Chad Smith's Juggernaut method of training. The article promises massive gains in strength. It is a very different approach and based on the gains possible, it is a good one. It is also backed up by Chad's strength gains in real life. (p. 74-84)

Best Regular Feature: Got to give it to Diet 911 again because it addresses a common problem: what to eat pre and post workout if you do not have supplements? A note on all the features in "The Edge" they have been revamped and as such they look better. One of them is new -- "Workout Overhaul" which does the same thing fora guys workout as Diet 911 does for nutrition. I will be watching this one in the future.

Notable Articles:
1. 'Drop the Weight, Turn Up the Volume': This is an excellent article on using the various drop sets techniques in a workout. (p.92-100)
2. 'The Agony of Victory': A very inspiring view of strongman Derek Poundstone (p.122-131)
3. "Hard Case": Chronicles the current training regimen of Matt Kroczaleski. Hard Core would be more like it. (p.192-198)

Article Changes:
No duds this time because the only one would be the vehicle article that remained. What I do want to note is what is out and in. Out: no watches, silly articles about farting, etc. In: Classic Muscle, Workout Overhaul, exercise equipment reviews and a good many more varied articles that hit all abilities. Well Done.

Graphics Content Review:
One of the first things I noticed was the more get down to basics, hardcore feel to the magazine's graphics. The photos are solid and realistic as well. The editors make up for last months lack of eye candy by giving us both Samantha Seubert and fitness model Jamie Eason. Jamie's star has been on the rise for at least a couple years now as she has done a photo spread in all the magazines I review. She also looks like she could catch anything she wants in the fishnet she is wearing, seeing it is the only thing she is wearing.

Rating: 4 stars. This is the best I have felt about M&F in a long time. Good article switches and graphics upgrades.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Muscular Development: March 2011 Issue - Review

The March 2011 issue of Muscular Development (MD) has one central focus: The upcoming Arnold Classic (March 3-6). MD has good reason to be excited about the Arnold Classic, as their editor points out, because they have a lot of their own bodybuilders in the mix. I will make my predictions for the Arnold next week, but there is a really good chance that a Team MD athlete will come out on top. I count five: Branch Warren, Dennis Wolf, Roelly Winklaar, Evan Centopani and Victor Martinez. The only front runners I see that are not MD for the Arnold are Dexter Jackson and possibly Toney Freeman.

Best Quote: "When it comes to weight, I think if you can't do it right, then don't do it" Lee Priest p.39. All Hail the Priest, he is dead on right.

Highlight Article: "The Countdown to Columbus: 2011 Arnold Preview" -- of them all, this magazine this month had the best Arnold coverage. Probably because they have the most at stake. They are tooting their own horn a bit, but I have to say I like Team MD's odds. (p. 138-149)

Best Regular Feature: 'Absolute-Lee Outrageous' -- That's right Lee Priest again. The fact is Lee Priest has the best regular feature month after month. His frank, no nonsense approach is pleasing and the way he handles questions is real. (p.38-39)

Notable Articles:
1. At the Back of any MD magazine is the section with the pros tips and articles that give a great advice. (p. 284-322)
2. In the middle of the the month's MD is also a bunch focus articles on each MD competitor for the Arnold Classic (p. 162-229)
3. "Going Old School: Donkey Calf Raises" -- I have to admit this one make me think that I should incorporate them into my routine, the only thing is I would have to draft my daughter or wife to sit on my back so I could do them.

Duds: 'The Ramblin' Freak' -- I really do not have anything against Gregg Valentino, and I understand this is supposed to be entertainment only stuff, but I just don't get the entertainment of this regular feature. Second month in a row - dud.

Graphics Review: MD is as dark as always, I think using black as a background color throughout the magazine is a mistake except for one thing - it makes the black and white photos, which MD excels at, stand out more. Some of the regular feature graphics are repetitive as always.

Rating: 3 and a half stars. For content MD would get a four start rating. However, because of the poor graphics and the content revolving around expletives and anabolics, I drop it a star. This month though, it is the king of the Arnold as far as preview coverage is concerned so back up one half star.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

One and a Half Years of Bodybuilding

Maybe in couple years I will feel confident enough to post my own picture, but for now a very young Arnold Schwarzenegger will have to do. New minor goal, post my own pic without embarrassment in two and half years - end of year four.

February 15th marks the halfway point of every year I train. On August 15, 2009 I came home from vacation significantly embarrassed by what shape I was in, and began a search for something I could do that would counter everything wrong with my body. Bodybuilding fit the bill nicely for a lot of reasons:

1. It involves long term commitment. Look at any cover of any bodybuilding magazine (look at one of my reviews) and the chances are the guy on the cover has been doing this for at least five to seven years. Probably longer. You simply do not get those kind of bodies from a gimmick or quick 12 week program. There are goals at every level: short-term, mid-term and long-term.

2. I can do it for the rest of my life. Bodybuilding actually has competitive classes that involve 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+ in all divisions: Novice, Amateur and Pro. No shortage of goals to aim for, no matter how old I get. Jack LaLane who died at age 96 was reportedly still lifting up till age 94-95.

3. It involves total body health. You cannot be successful in bodybuilding without doing all of the following: Lifting weights, cardiovascular work, nutrition and flexing/stretching. Lifting keeps your muscles ligaments and skeletal bones strong. Cardio keeps the heart and lungs in shape. Nutrition involves 'eating clean' which dumps the poisons from your body and improves overall health. Flexing and stretching keeps you limber and free moving.

4. Mental Focus: To really lift requires mental concentration. It involves setting aside distraction to focus on the task at hand. Some of the meditative techniques I use to lift have also branched into other areas like work and my prayer life. You can accomplish more when you learn to focus and bodybuilding is part of the training I need to learn to focus.

5. Variety: Do you know that there are so many exercises and training techniques that if you are guy like me, that likes to change things up, you will never run out of variety in workouts. There is also the fact that Bodybuilding follows a cycle: strength building (10-12 weeks), size building (28-30 weeks) and fat loss (aka. 'cutting': 10-12 weeks), then repeat and each of these phases is different. No workout has to be completely the same.

6. Side Benefits: You know with health, my quality of life of life has improved. My blood pressure is normal or low normal because I stress less. If I feel stressed or depressed, I hit the gym. Just this last week, I went to the dentist and filled the out the medical history section for registration and the only thing I marked 'yes' on was that I wore contacts. I suppose I should mention that lifting increases testosterone production and that means improved libido. I would say I am at the same level I was at with that when I was about 25 to 30. Two years ago, I was probably at was at 50 prematurely.

Right now I am halfway through this year's mass building cycle. My weight has gone up 20 lbs. since August 15th but my body fat percentage is flat lined (6 to 7% based on three site method of calculation). That means some pretty good muscle gain and that my diet is right on. The only thing I do not like is the loose skin around my waist and chest. It still makes me look a little fat, but it is pretty much hollow loose skin. Skin takes more time to change than the rest of our bodies, so the spiritual lesson of bodybuilding becomes patience.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Musclemag: March 2011 - Review

Musclemag International's (MMI) March 2011 issue has Alvin Small on the Cover. The main theme is mostly mass gain. For a bodybuilder this is once again the time for mass gain though if you were going to compete at the Arnold Classic in early march you would probably rush to the article on getting lean in 8 weeks and realize you are four weeks too late.

Best Quote: "Let me assure you I've had to interview a prominent, mega-sized pro in a dark, draughty corridor because he couldn't manage the 15 steps leading to my warm, well-lit office." - Johnny Fitness p. 46 and 47. Apparently size can indeed cause problems.

Highlight Article: 'Four Exercises That are Better Than the Bench Press' (p. 124-134). Now they are, but also interestingly enough the are variants of the Bench Press. Good solid ways to improve the king of chest exercises.

Best Regular Feature: Face Off -- nothing like comparing one exercise for a muscle group with another exercise for the same muscle and asking: 'which is better?' This week -- EZ-Bar Preacher Curl vs.Incline Dumbbell Curls. Mostly what you learn is to do both.

Notable Articles:
1. 'Brazilian Beef': Great Article about Eduardo Correa Da Silva and his Chest Routine. Some of the pics of this 202 competitor are very well done.
2. '13 Ways to More T': - That would be Testosterone, the element that makes a man a man and incidentally an element that helps build and maintain muscle. Solid article including some of my favorite ways to boost testosterone levels naturally. Yeah, one of them is sex.
3. 'Carbs: The Anabolic Nutrient' Good article on Carb Cycling and how it relates to muscle gains.

Dud Articles: 'No Weight Gains' I understand the value of weightless exercises, I plan on having a routine of them when I leave this summer for Romania not knowing what equipment I will find, but the reason I label this one a dud is this -- if I am doing a routine with weights and I need another exercise which would be better -- one with weights or weightless? Just saying.

Graphics Review:
As rule I like MMI's graphics and this issue was solid as well. Nothing annoyed me this issue but nothing really stood out either . The pictures of Eduardo are good as are the black and whites of Alvin Small. The eye candy this month is rock climber Aleisha Hart who's pictures are almost reminiscent of Flex's green and black feature. Might want to avoid that in the future.

Rating: Four stars. Information is as good as always and the graphics are solid as usual. I read it and it helped a lot of my areas in my training and nutrition issues right now so that was a plus. The professional advice area was good as well.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Flex: February 2011 - Review

The February 2011 Issue of Flex Magazine features the 'X-Man' Toney Freeman on the cover and has the main theme of developing the X-frame. (As an aside, how a guy nicknamed 'The X-Man' because of his near perfect X-frame and proportions has never won a Mr. O is beyond me. Probably just confirms the fact that bodybuilding has a gotten a little size crazy instead of looking at overall aesthetics.) Muscle and Fitness' bigger brother also focuses on mass building. It is after all the season for mass building, unless you are headed to the Arnold Classic in Columbus, OH in early March.

Best Quote: "My Entire Body Can Always Improve" Kai Greene p. 180.

Highlight Article: 'Operation X' (p.114-132): If you are a bodybuilder and the X-frame is a problem for you, this program promises to help you out. The focus is on Delts, Legs and Abs and it is because of that, I believe that this will definitely work.

Best Regular Feature: Joe's Page (p. 26) Joe Weider has a regular column in Flex and this month it is a great one. He looks back to the July 1950 issue of Your Physique where he predicted ten things that would happen in the world of physical fitness and the importance bodybuilding would play in the future. He was very good in his predictions.

Notable Articles:
1. 'Perception of Character': I have made it no secret that I am not a big Kai Greene fan. However, I may change my tune after this article. Kai's seventh place finish at the Mr. Olympia has definitely brought a new level of humility to a man who was already pretty humble. It has also brought some new found respect from me as well.
2. 'Hell on Wheels': Ben Pukulski is one of the fastest rising stars in bodybuilding and given the intensity of his leg routine -- I can see why.
3. 'Muscle Meals': Good nutrition article to add some variety to your meals. Much Better than last time with the fast food info that was very thin.

Dud Articles:
1. None, Really. I even have to say the sound bite issue from last month is toned down a bit as well. Most of the time there is something valuable in every article.

Graphics Review:
Flex still dominates this month with the variety of photos and pictures of competitors. They definitely do good work on quality as well. The photo's of Kai Green were actually very well done and show a guy who is starting to get focused on details and symmetry and not just size. The 'green and black' outfit photo shoot I have mentioned before is of Deena Walsh and it has some incredible back and shoulder shots of the aerospace engineer/figure pro. The sexy girl spot however is taken up by Romanian bikini pro Anca Marcus.

Rating: 4 and quarter stars. This issue is solid and the graphic well done as always. The sound bite problem shows a little improvement over last month. I always like a magazine who can focus on the x-frame and mass at the same time. Well done.