Monday, January 31, 2011

Muscle and Fitness: February 2011 - Review

The February 2011 issue of Muscle and Fitness(M&F) has the return of the Rock Hard Challenge an annual (or had been) twelve week contest put on by the magazine. Goal get as fit as possible in twelve weeks using the workouts and nutrition guide provided. I did the Rock Hard Challenge about three years ago. It had great results but did not get me to place of long term commitment. This year there is real cash money involved.

The theme this month seems to be 'getting shredded'. in short, to loos fat to the point where people can see your muscles. This is a little early in the bodybuilding cycle to be doing this so I assume they are getting us ready ahead of time. Or they are just being what they are, a magazine about getting fit and following good nutrition for men (they have M&F Hers) for the guy who just wants to get in shape.

Best Quote: 'Anyone who tells you that transforming you physique will be easy is not really being honest with you' -- Julien Greaux p.98

Highlight Article: 'Go Hard at Home' -- This is not a great article because it is in depth or anything spectacularly new. It is a great article because it shows what a guy and a basic set of weights (without a bench) can do at home to get started. Olympic barbell set and an open space and you are there.

Best Regular Feature: Diet 911 -- I want to give props to this regular feature. I love how they take some one's diet and show how it can be improved. This month was a high school athlete, trying to gain weight -- the basic advice -- get more fat in your diet to increase testosterone production.

Notable Articles:
1. Rock Hard Challenge: Looking it over it would be tough and produce some decent results. If you are looking to get in shape, this would do it provided you follow the nutrition plan and the training.
2. Squat 2.0: Another great article that focuses on the squat which is the king of all exercises.
3. 2011 -New Years Revolution: This is a very sound article about getting the most out of the new year.

1. I know this is a magazine for men and perhaps articles on watches and vehicles make sense, but they never do it for me.

Graphics Content Review:
M&F is still pretty basic for graphic content this month but they do seem to be trying to add some elements with dark training rooms and variety. Much crisper and cleaner this month than last month. Photos are clean and bright except in a few spots.
No girls this week but this is pretty much a mag for men alone with all the articles that reference male behavior (Jerk Off - about various kinds of jerky, How's it Hanging - about hanging leg raises, along with all the other references to HARD outside the Rock Hard Challenge) so perhaps it is best that they are out of it.

Rating: 3 stars - good for the beginner and the guy trying to get in shape. The Rock Hard Challenge is a good blueprint for anyone who has been lifting for a little while and wants to kick it up a notch or so. Nutrition articles are solid and focus on balance with carb control.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rest in Peace: Jack LaLanne (1914-2011)

Bodybuilder and Fitness Guru Jack LaLanne died on January 24th, 2011 from respiratory failure caused by pneumonia. He was 96.

If there is a person who has more influence on the world of fitness and bodybuilding than Jack LaLanne, his name must be Weider. The fact is the many things of fitness we now take for granted were inventions and innovations created by Jack. Jumping Jacks, 'Getting Jacked', weight machines with plates, nutrition plans, the first health club and juicing are all connected to this one of kind man who had his own fitness show from 1951 to 1985 (That's 34 years). Even in old age his feats of strength astounded many the most compelling was on his 70th birthday when he swam a mile with two boats full of seventy people shackled to him. I remember watching the news about it, I was 15 at the time.

His influence on me is greater that original news story I saw. His line that those that are healthy 'have more options for life and better quality of life' sticks with me to this day. It was philosophy he lived and sold most of his life. His early day pictures during his bodybuilding days give the classic physique that in many ways is still sought after by many including myself.

Thanks Jack -- You were a great American that will be missed.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Book Review: 'Huge and Freaky' by Robert Kennedy and Dennis B. Weis

Title: Huge and Freaky Muscle Mass and Strength Secrets
Authors: Robert Kennedy and Dennis B. Weis
Pages: 496
Publisher: Robert Kennedy Publishing

My personal motivation for reading this book was stagnation. Stagnation in the fact I had neither the motivation or knowledge to really push my training from intermediate to advanced training. My hope was that this book would push my knowledge and motivation beyond the current limits I possess.

It did not disappoint. Kennedy and Weis have put together and absolute fountain of motivation and knowledge that absolutely blew me away. There is a ton of stuff here to inspire and challenge anyone who is ready to take their training to the next level.

One of the outstanding strengths of this book is the focus on mental preparation and concentration to train. The authors are right in that we often talk about this part of training but never really know what to do or focus on it. It is probably the most important part of training as it deals with the mind and body connection. The authors devote several chapters to this part of training. including some very detailed instructions on how to approach a workout with renewed mental focus.

In addition to this, there is training ideas galore. There are far to many to list here and that is a good thing. If your looking for something different or something else to try that might work better in your training as a bodybuilder, this book probably has it. The even better part is that it is all in one book.

The graphics are strong with tons of pictures to inspire and illustrate each concept. The charts are extensive and informative with specific programs outlined in detail. Writing style is straightforward and at times entertaining.

If there is a weakness, it is that this is not a beginners manual. It is definitely designed for someone who who has the basics down and understood. If you have been lifting for more than a year or two and want to supercharge your efforts, this is the book for you.

Rating: 4 and a half stars. I am pretty sure the authors achieved their purpose. This is a book that gives out a lot of information and motivational tools and secrets. The boost it gave my motivation and training as already been substantial and I still have not touched the tip of the iceberg so to speak of all the information in this book. Combine this and some of the most practical advice on mental focus and mind-body connection in training I have seen and this makes it a bodybuilder's must have.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Muscular Development - February 2011 Issue - Review

Muscular Development (MD) can probably be summed up in two words -- 'hardcore bodybuilding'. It is the uncensored, raw commentary of the bodybuilding world. It's style is very much in your face and it lives up to the motto of 'No Bullsh*t'. It does not steer away from topics such as drugs, steroids or sex. It has the latest research and trends in the world of bodybuilding. I will be honest, it is a little too much over the top. To me it lacks the class of Musclemag, but is downright honest in its approach and so it remains my second favorite to read.

It seems each issue has two basic themes -- hardcore training and GET BIG. This one is no exception.
Best Quote: "Bodybuilding to me is about self-exploration and discovery, so it never made sense to me to watch all those pro DVDs and just copy what they do" - Jason Huh (the guy on the cover). To which I can give a hearty 'Amen'.
Highlight Article: "TotaLee Awesome" p. 298-300 -- this is a new regular column and I hope it is here to stay. The eight-time Mr. Olympia is dead on about the current problems in bodybuilding contests in which size matters more than everything else.
Notable Articles:
1. 'Quad Damn It!' -- Holy Crap what a leg workout -- no wonder Jason Huh has such BIG legs for his age.
2. 'Championship Chest Workout' - Fred Small and Branden Ray show us their chest workout they did together. Lots of good options and advice in this one.
3. Regular Features: This is the one and only time I will do this -- I am giving all the regular features a thumbs up. From now on I will pick one but the fact is MD is packed full of good information in the regular features.
'The Ramblin' Freak' -- this is supposed to be a 'for entertainment only article' but I rarely find it entertaining -- seems to be just an excuse to use the f-word a lot.
Graphic Content: if there is one thing that annoys me about this magazine the most is that every page is black with color on it. It makes it dark and repetitive. Some of the stock graphics look die cut. The photos are good but everything is dark. The feature articles are well done with good photos but the graphics never change for the regular features. This month the Major Distraction is Jennifer Andrews and she is distracting in a catch your eye, 'that looks very good' way. Did I mention the mag is dark. I suppose the goal is looking hardcore, but I don't think hardcore necessarily means depressing.
Rating: I give this mag high marks for content and depth. It is indeed the 'no bullsh*t' magazine in the world of bodybuilding including when dealing with subjects such as drugs and steroids. The graphics though (Other than the Major Distraction) make me put it down often to rest my eyes. Three and a half stars.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Musclemag -- February 2011 Issue - Review

Musclemag International (MMI) is by far my favorite publication involving Bodybuilding and I am not just saying that because they published my letter in the January 2011 issue and paid my $ 50 for it but it helps. Robert Kennedy and company have put together a total package that can appeal to any bodybuilder of any level. There is an overall philosophy to the magazine that matches my own so for me it works well. It also has a kind of two for one feature. The regular magazine and then the back is a hardcore section of its own for advanced lifters which makes it great as well.

This months theme is about gaining muscle size and strength. It is that time of year in the bodybuilding cycle so it fits.

Best Quote: "Arnold fans the world over may collectively groan with disgust at the news that Sam Worthington (from Avatar) is being considered for the lead role as John Matrix" (Referring to the possible remake of Commando) - no kidding the guy is a toothpick.
Highlight Article: "Hardgainer's Nutrition Guide" (p148-158) -- being a hard gainer who is large myself, it was good to see Craig Richardson's off season nutrition plan. Gives you a lot of ideas if you are a hard gainer of what to do.
Notable Articles:
1. 'Meet the Fakers' - good article on some food choices that seem good on the surface but actually have problems.
2. 'The Book on Shrugs" - solid article about shrugs and their role in the development of traps muscles.
3. "Food Folly" - good article on salt and diet manipulation before a contest.
Dud Articles:
None - this is why I like this Magazine, there is really no fluff to it at all. Every part of it focuses on the bodybuilding world with good insight and advice.
Graphics Content Review: MMI has one real skill when it comes to graphics - they bring together all three elements very well -- originality, crispness and realism. In this issue are two photo spreads: Water Warriors' and 'Aqua Attraction'. The first of bodybuilders Ronny Rockel and Ahmad Ahmad. The second is of Jessica Putnam. Both are taken poolside in Los Vegas and are well done with clear photos that bring out every one's best features. The one of Jessica is tame compared to some of the spreads in previous issues, put still shows the power of fitness to create and sexy and attractive woman.
Rating: To one of their best, but still the high quality I expect from Musclemag International. Four and a half stars.