This months theme is about gaining muscle size and strength. It is that time of year in the bodybuilding cycle so it fits.
Best Quote: "Arnold fans the world over may collectively groan with disgust at the news that Sam Worthington (from Avatar) is being considered for the lead role as John Matrix" (Referring to the possible remake of Commando) - no kidding the guy is a toothpick.
Highlight Article: "Hardgainer's Nutrition Guide" (p148-158) -- being a hard gainer who is large myself, it was good to see Craig Richardson's off season nutrition plan. Gives you a lot of ideas if you are a hard gainer of what to do.
Notable Articles:
1. 'Meet the Fakers' - good article on some food choices that seem good on the surface but actually have problems.
2. 'The Book on Shrugs" - solid article about shrugs and their role in the development of traps muscles.
3. "Food Folly" - good article on salt and diet manipulation before a contest.
Dud Articles:
None - this is why I like this Magazine, there is really no fluff to it at all. Every part of it focuses on the bodybuilding world with good insight and advice.
Graphics Content Review: MMI has one real skill when it comes to graphics - they bring together all three elements very well -- originality, crispness and realism. In this issue are two photo spreads: Water Warriors' and 'Aqua Attraction'. The first of bodybuilders Ronny Rockel and Ahmad Ahmad. The second is of Jessica Putnam. Both are taken poolside in Los Vegas and are well done with clear photos that bring out every one's best features. The one of Jessica is tame compared to some of the spreads in previous issues, put still shows the power of fitness to create and sexy and attractive woman.
Rating: To one of their best, but still the high quality I expect from Musclemag International. Four and a half stars.
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