There is a really balanced focus in this one but there is an emphasis on gaining mass, strength and getting lean. This one also has a flip over feature, flip the magazine over and you have the 2011 Suppliment Guide.
Best Quote: "Let's just do it. It's time to lift. I don't want to hear anymore." - Chuck Vogelpohl (p. 190) - my sentiments exactly. Man, this guy is a freak worthy of respect.
Highlight Article: "The Fighting Irish" - A very good close up of WWE Superstar Sheamus. It not only gives some highlights of his career, but documents some of his training and nutritional issues he has had along the way. It includes his workout. I liked this one because Sheamus is very close to my size (He's 6'6" and 272 pounds; me 6'4" and 285lbs.) and the importance of nutrition logs and full body training became apparent to me. (p. 74-80)
Best Regular Feature: "Stay Loose" p . 26 - even though it was short, it stuck with me that one of the most important things to do before any type of competitive activity is to - relax. I wish more articles were written about the psychology of training and competition.
Notable Articles:
1. 'Get Yoked' - Good article on training neck, traps and shoulders. You usually don't see much on neck training and so this one was a rare goody. (p. 132-144)
2. 'Eat Like a Caveman' - Another Paleolithic Diet article but this one has the added feature of some real practical suggestions on what to eat. (p. 156-164)
3. 2011 Supplement Buyers Guide: Flip the magazine over to the backside and you have the guide. It covers protein and fat burning supplements for the most part. (p. 1-47 of the back)
Graphics Content Review:
I like the new look for the second month although it seemed a little darker than last month. The photos were clean and crisp and the graphics were not repetitive. Eye candy is another double: Bikini Pro Mariza Prince and Playboy Playmate Holly Madison. I usually only have two reservations about using Playmates in fitness and muscle mags. 1) I know a lot of Playmates train to maintain their looks but they are not competitors and I like it when fitness and muscle mags promote their own and 2) What are you going to show of Holly Madison that most have not already seen. Just saying.
Rating: Three and three-quarter stars. I liked the moves M&F made last month and are continuing here. The improvements are good, but it still does not approach the quality of some of the other mags. I do like how they are appealing to a more broad audience. They are definitely moving from just a 'get in shape' mag to covering all types of training and nutrition. Even the equipment gear articles are much improved.
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