Best Quote: "God gave men a penis and a brain but only enough blood to run one of them at a time" - Michael Alvear p.282. Sad, but so true.
Highlight Article: "Assault on Abs" - in keeping with the theme of this month, the highlight article is great in that it tackles all aspects of abdominal training save one - nutrition. That said, everything else is outstanding whether you lift at home or the gym this is a good one. (p. 100-116)
Best Regular Feature: I actually want to highlight whole group of them that gives MMI it one truly great unique feature -- The back of the entire magazine is called Musclemag Hardcore. This effectively gives you two magazines for the price of one. MMI's Hardcore has tips and advice from real pros including one of my favorites Joel Stubbs. Why is he a favorite of mine? Because he is six feet, three inches tall. Just one inch shorter than me, so his advice often is more helpful to the taller bodybuilder such as myself. Also here are Mark Dugdale, Johnnie Jackson, Craig Richardson and Hidetada Yamagishi with regular features.
Notable Articles:
1. "Get Cut, Caveman Style" - Not only is this great article on the paleo nutrition plan, which highlights the current debate in nutritional understandings, it also gives me a chance to praise illustrator Mark Collins. Mark gives MMI some its unique graphics content, not only in an article like this one, but also in Muscle Bites where he offers up a unique illustration for each report given. (p.122-130)
2. "Watch Out Megflab is Officially Contagious" - Johnny Fitness is SO RIGHT on this one! (p.48-49)
3. "America's Strongest Family" -- Very inspirational article of IFBB Pro Andy Haman and his family. It is nice to see a father and mother pass on their love for fitness to all of their children. (p. 178-188)
Duds: Maybe I am being nit picky here but the sport med regular feature about spinal compression (p.80-82) seemed a little incomplete. It showed what options there are for treatment, but offered little in the way of preventative advice. Not a true dud, but missing something.
Graphics Content Review: Professional as always. Unique graphics for each article, unique illustrations and artwork. Photos crisp and clear; not grainy at all and that was true for both color and black and white. Eye candy this month is model Heather Shanholtz and she proves why married men should stay away from baseball if they wish to remain faithful.
Rating: Four and a half stars. This one was great. It has something for everyone and every fitness level. The articles are informative and well written without resorting to technical language. The graphics were outstanding. The focus of MMI is always about improving yourself at whatever level you may find yourself and this one demonstrates that very well. This issue is a demonstration of why I say it is the king of them all.
Thanks for the kind words, Ed!
ReplyDeleteMark Collins