The Winner: Branch Warren. I picked Branch Warren. Now let the talk begin of a true three way competition at Olympia between Jay Cutler, Phil Heath and Branch Warren. Branch Warren (pictured above) is the Man.
2nd: Dennis Wolf. I picked Dexter Jackson. Dexter was a disappointment this time. I had hoped Dexter's star was not dropping, but he did not look good this time. Dennis Wolf is definitely back though and in the hunt and will keep the big three looking over their shoulder.
3rd: Victor Martinez. I picked Dennis Wolf. Victor is definitely on the rebound, with some solid work he could definitely do well at Olympia. Note: Had the right order at this point except for Dexter Jackson finishing so poorly.
4th: Evan Centopani. I picked Victor Martinez. Evan was the best Dark Horse of them all this time. I felt he would finish seventh but looking at the pics, he definitely deserves fourth. There is a new player in town.
5th: Dexter Jackson. I picked Ronny Rockel. Dexter's fifth place has got to be a disappointment. Honestly looking at the pics I feel Ronny still deserves this spot. Dexter just looked wrong. This was a case of 'Gee Dex, you kind of suck today but because you are a former Mr. O we can't place you lower".
6th: Ronny Rockel: I picked Toney Freeman. Ronny deserved the fifth place spot I gave him but with Evan doing so well and Dexter being so bad, Ronny hit sixth - again.
7th: Jonnie Jackson: I picked Evan Centopani. Jonnie deserved this spot. He looked good. Definitely moving on from being a strong man to a bodybuilder.
8th: Roelly Winklaar: I picked Roelly Winklaar. Dead on here. Roelly has a great future ahead of him.
9th: Toney Freeman: I picked Sergey Shelestov. Toney didn't do as well as I had hoped. Sergey did almost this, it is just Jonnie Jackson did well; others were surprises.
10th: Ben Pakuski. I picked Ben Pakuski. The Pak Man will have a great future in this sport if he remembers one thing -- he is going to have to work very hard.
11th: Sergey Shelestov. Me: Fouad Abaid
12th: Fouad Abaid. Me: Jonnie Jackson
13th: Essa Obaid. Me: Robert Poitrkowicz (Mohammad Touri did not compete)
14th: Robert Poitrkowicz. Me: Essa Obaid
Looking at it I did pretty good for a guy who has only been looking at men's bodybuilding for a couple years. I had the order pretty close. Dexter Jackson not doing well and a stronger than expected performance from Even Centopani and Jonnie Jackson were the only things I really got wrong. Toney Freeman was a slight disappointment. The rest I was very close (1 or 2 placings off either way) and I nailed three of them including the winner.
To Team MD (Muscular Development Magazine) - Congratulations: 1st, 2nd and 3rd. You have to be proud.
I think your picks reflected what most thought, just that the older guys are getting even older (Dex and Toney),which is finally showing in their placings. Dex's poor showing isn't flattering for his new coach Charles Glass...Keep liftin'!