Best Quote: "I can't die; it would ruin my image" - the late Jack LaLanne (p.297)
Highlight Article: Actually there are two involved with getting lean by summer that stand out "The Ketogenic Diet" and "The Everything Cardio Guide" that fit the bill on this one. Really when getting ripped it is less about training and more about nutrition and cardio. (p. 126-146) Both articles deal with this idea.
Best Regular Feature: Joel Stubbs' column is a hit with me this week as it talks about the Big Man and nutrition. Joel being a big man himself makes this a column from someone who is there and that means authentic. He still remains my favorite of the regular pro columns. (p.262-263)
Notable Articles:
1. "Sugar Shock" - Great nutrition article on the actual effect of fruit juice in nutrition. It isn't always good. (p158-166)
2. "Workouts That Rewrote History" - great chronicling about how Jay Cutler took the throne from Ronnie Coleman and got it back from Dexter Jackson (p.238-251)
3. "Rock Your Back" - great article about Ronny Rockel's back workout. (p.104-111)
Dud: "Take the Easy Whey": I only label this one a dud because of timing as Muscle and Fitness released their supplement guide this month and to follow it two weeks later with the same stuff is a little off.
Graphics Content Review: Solid as always, although nothing really caught my eye this week as super great. The magazine is just clean and crisp with good photos and illustrations; so the challenge for them is to do something off the charts. Eye candy this month is Jacqueline Suzanne and I am fairly certain that there would be little construction going on at any site she showed up at as the men would be busy doing other things.
Rating: Four and a Quarter stars, solid work as always. I guess what I am waiting for is a wow factor that will give them something even more. I love the two sections and content being solid and timely. Graphics great as always. Every article was good as far as content although the Whey article showed poor timing.
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