Best Quote: "Concentration and Mental Toughness ARE the Margins of Victory." - Bill Russell (11 time NBA champ) p.84
Highlight Article: "The All Time Hot List". Flex did a poll online to get the top ten all time most hot swimsuit models from the past 15 years of swimsuit issues. It actually lists the top ten in order and five other honorable mentions based on this poll. I don't want to spoil everything but the winner was Amanda Latona (that is why she is on the cover). As for the rest, buy a copy; you want the pictures anyway, right? Each of the top ten gets her own spread of one or two pages. (p. 164-188)
Best Regular Feature: "Flex Street Scene" (p.38) I like this feature as it gets some face time to young up and comers as well as a look at some people at entry level. It is always a great way to see new faces.
Notable Articles:
1. "Build a Treasured Chest" Great article not only on chest training but back training as well. The idea being to get a larger chest measurement by hitting both sides. (p. 120-138)
2. "Triple Threat" Phil Heath, Jay Cutler and Toney Freeman sound off on their chest training issues (p. 144-156)
3. "The Education of Eduardo" Brazilian Eduardo Correa da Silva lays out a full arm training regimen. (p 206-216)
Duds: No single article to point to, but the sound bite type articles that seem cluttered are back.
Graphics Content Review: Good pics and lots of them as always from Flex. They are not as crisp and clean as MMI or even their own sister mag M&F, but there are a lot of photos. The main focus of course in this months graphics was the swimsuit issue and it definitely was a collection of each lady's best shots. That of course means this issue is about the eye candy and it does a fabulous job.
Rating: 3 and three quarter stars: There was great number of training articles but the nutrition articles seemed a little thin this month. The sound bite clutter does not help this month's edition either. BUT, the girls save the day and this one should fly off shelves for that alone.
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