Best Quote: "I plan on winning the show, so that's it. I train for first place and nothing else will be acceptable" -- Victor Martinez (p.178)
Highlight Article: "The Story Behind Arnold and Pumping Iron" - This is actually an interview with George Butler who made the film. Many things I already knew from watching the special features from the 25th Anniversary special edition of Pumping Iron but there was some new stuff as well. In addition there are some great photos, not just of Arnold, but of Lou Ferrigno as well. (p.162-170)
Best Regular Feature: The nod goes to former Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates' column "Blood and Guts: What you need to know before your first show" It is very nice to see an old pro with lots of experience share this knowledge. It covers a lot of ground and offers sound advice. Thanks Dorian. (p. 290-294)
Notable Articles:
1. Thunder Thighs Throwdown: Branch Warren and Evan Centopani go at it in Legs (p.146-157)
2. Hard as a Rock: This was a very inspiring article about Ronny Rockel. Talk about a guy who had to overcome adversity (p.188-196)
3. Dennis Wolf's 15 Best Lifts: I like articles like these where the pro simply tells you what is best for them and why. (p. 220-235)
1. Ramblin' Freak - repeat of last months review
2. Anything involving Anabolics -- I don't use them, so none of these articles are useful to me.
Graphics Content Review:
Someone at MD has either been reading my reviews or a light bulb has gone on because black back grounding has given way to some other colors and the magazine has lost some of its dark feel. More use of color in the rest as well. There is a poster of The Oak to pull out. This months Major Distraction is Nathalia Melo. Melo is a IFBB Bikini Pro and I have only one complaint. I am not expert photographer but isn't putting a girl with nice earth tones to her hair, eyes and skin against a white and metallic setting in black and white outfits kind of harsh. Thank God the girl herself still pulls off the shoot.
Rating: Four and a quarter stars. The changes in graphics are step in the right direction and the vintage photos from Pumping Iron are great. Content is solid with good information for the most part.
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