Best Quote: "Let me assure you I've had to interview a prominent, mega-sized pro in a dark, draughty corridor because he couldn't manage the 15 steps leading to my warm, well-lit office." - Johnny Fitness p. 46 and 47. Apparently size can indeed cause problems.
Highlight Article: 'Four Exercises That are Better Than the Bench Press' (p. 124-134). Now they are, but also interestingly enough the are variants of the Bench Press. Good solid ways to improve the king of chest exercises.
Best Regular Feature: Face Off -- nothing like comparing one exercise for a muscle group with another exercise for the same muscle and asking: 'which is better?' This week -- EZ-Bar Preacher Curl vs.Incline Dumbbell Curls. Mostly what you learn is to do both.
Notable Articles:
1. 'Brazilian Beef': Great Article about Eduardo Correa Da Silva and his Chest Routine. Some of the pics of this 202 competitor are very well done.
2. '13 Ways to More T': - That would be Testosterone, the element that makes a man a man and incidentally an element that helps build and maintain muscle. Solid article including some of my favorite ways to boost testosterone levels naturally. Yeah, one of them is sex.
3. 'Carbs: The Anabolic Nutrient' Good article on Carb Cycling and how it relates to muscle gains.
Dud Articles: 'No Weight Gains' I understand the value of weightless exercises, I plan on having a routine of them when I leave this summer for Romania not knowing what equipment I will find, but the reason I label this one a dud is this -- if I am doing a routine with weights and I need another exercise which would be better -- one with weights or weightless? Just saying.
Graphics Review:
As rule I like MMI's graphics and this issue was solid as well. Nothing annoyed me this issue but nothing really stood out either . The pictures of Eduardo are good as are the black and whites of Alvin Small. The eye candy this month is rock climber Aleisha Hart who's pictures are almost reminiscent of Flex's green and black feature. Might want to avoid that in the future.
Rating: Four stars. Information is as good as always and the graphics are solid as usual. I read it and it helped a lot of my areas in my training and nutrition issues right now so that was a plus. The professional advice area was good as well.
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