M&F's January 2011 issue has a theme which revolves around Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Particularly the competitor Rich 'Ace' Franklin who is pictured on the cover.
When I write a Magazine review I will basically pick the Best Quote, Highlight Article, List the Notable Articles, List of Dud Articles, Graphics Content Review and Give an Overall Rating of zero to 5 stars.
Best Quote: (In response to a reader telling him that his coach felt that lifting would hurt his speed, Gunnar Peterson responds): "If he still believes lifting weights makes you slow, he probably thinks the world is flat, because those two theories were dispelled about the same time"
Highlight Article: 'Game of Inches' p 104-112. This article outlines an intensive program that involves 6 hours of arm exercise for the purpose of adding up to an inch to one's arms. I used to think this was crap but I have found out since that it can be done. It is risky because it basically involves trashing your arms so badly that they will grow simply from repairing the damage done to them. It's my highlight article because I am considering it for myself. I have a 4 week gap in between my current program and my cut at the end of the year. It might be a good finale before I hit my cut.
Notable Articles:
1. Beginner Articles: This issue has two solid articles for the beginner: ' Beginner's Luck' and 'Nutrition 101'. Basic but essential stuff.
2. 'Break Your Legs' -- Tough at home workout for legs
3. 'The A-Team' - A bunch of pro trainers weigh in on the best abdominal exercises and there is a list of ten of them. Many were actually new to me, or I had heard of but never seen them pictured. Lots of new ideas here.
Dud Articles:
1. 'The Fart' - an article offering up a bunch of useless knowledge about 'farting'. Nuff said.
2. 'Urban Cowboy' -- A review of the Jeep Wrangler. I would rather have a review of this depth on some piece of exercise equipment.
Graphics Content Review:
Overall I have been disappointed with the graphic layout. It is basic stuff with basic colors these days. Photos in M&F are usually clear and bright; which is good; and that is true in this magazine as well, The exceptions are the photo spread of MMA star Rich Franklin which have a dark hardcore feel to them and the photo spread of Kenda Perez (MMA model and hostess) which are also dark, but sultry not edgy. Another notable in this issue is the 2011 Met-Rx calender which is two sided (Jan to Jun on one side / July to December on the other) and each side is flanked by the bikini clad Met-Rx models. Even though the calender would be useful, Mrs. Rabyd Theologian would break my arm if I put it up somewhere, so in the magazine it will stay.
There are other good and inspiring articles in this issue of M&F as well as some helpful advice and the training and nutrition notes are good as well. It lacks advanced stuff I like and the graphics are a little dull with the above listed exceptions. Overall three stars.
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