Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why Do I Lift?

My friend Pastor Sean posted about why he runs and so I thought I would ask the question for my fitness approach. -- I lift weights and have off and on now for almost 11 years.

My father had originally lifted when I was younger and the day he died his doctor told me that it probably added some time to his life. When I turned 29 I came to realize I needed to lose weight -- I was somewhere in the neighborhood of 320 lbs. I needed something.

I hate running -- no offense to my friend Sean and every other runner out there but it bores me to tears and because of my ankles and knees it is very painful for me to run. Walking alone would not do much. I decided then and there to break out my Dad's old weight set. In a single month I lost twenty pounds and three months later I was down to 275. After a year --245. I think it was this that inspired my oldest son to look at being an athlete but you would have to ask him.

I have upgraded from my Dad's old concrete filled plastic to a full Olympic set but the principles I follow have remained the same. I have adopted a very Body Builder style to my lifting and for three months last summer a diet to go with it. In three months 295 to 265.

My largest problem over the years has been sticking to it. I often wonder if this has a more spiritual issue to it. That is there have been times in my life I have needed it. Lifting is very meditative for me. There is something about it that allows me to clear my mind and focus, but there are times when I am focused already and don't need it. It can cause me to give it up and enjoy the results for a while and then the results vanish.

I am ready to go at it again and this time my wife wants to join me. I am not sure how I feel about that -- lifting has always been a solo act for me but I know my wife could use the confidence boost and I would certainly like the results on her if she stays with it. This time it is going to be an attempt at a complete change of lifestyle, not just a temporary action so keep us both in prayer. I am hoping that by doing this together I will have a deeper reason to continue. I also hope our marriage will grow as it would be something we do together.


  1. that is cool! that you want to do this with your wife, most men would say "well I will help you but at a different time or place when I am not working out"! but it is very cool that you want to do this with her. and I will be praying that it go's great

  2. Yeah. Well the real problem is going to be not just motivatiing myself but my wife as well. Planning to lift and exercise is not hard it is motivation to execute that is hard.

  3. true, very true but what I do is i watched movies with guys who i wanted to be as big as and it motivated me, i know that's kinda odd but it works
