Saturday, May 28, 2011

Body Stats - Year 2, Week 41

Weight: 270.6lbs. (May 14th - 274.6)
Body Fat%: 5.56 (May 14th - 5.91)
Despite being sick, I have done alright the last two weeks except I didn't lose all the weight I did of body fat and by my calculations I lost a couple pounds of muscle.  Still have time though to stimulate them back.  I am actually only seven pounds away from being lighter than last year's cut which was 263.2lbs.  Even then, I though I thought I could lose more, it was just that  the rigours of cutting got to me at that point.

A word on body fat percentage.  I don't really know how accurate the actual percentage is as I: a) do the three site method myself and 2) I am a pretty big guy, so 15lbs. of fat on my body does not take up as much percentage as it would on someone smaller.  The one thing I can say for it is that I have been consistent as possible in measuring it, so the one thing it does show is when it goes up or down.

From a motivational standpoint, I am really in neutral about stats, they help gage what is going on with my body internally, but my real test is to stand in front of a mirror.    

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