Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Significance of Kai Greene's Victory at the New York Pro

Kai Greene's Victory at the New York Pro a couple days ago indicates that he is most definitely back in the game, but it has an even greater impact down the road as we look at the Mr. Olympia contest in September.  It now means that things are shaping up for one of the toughest Olympia's ever.

Jay Cutler, the current Mr. Olympia, has stated repeatedly that he wants to win the next one and have there be no doubt as to why he won.  After last years squeaker I can understand why as many still claim the Phil Heath won the thing if prejudging actually counted for something.  The problem for Jay is that as this year has gone by, the field has not gotten easier to beat but harder.  It is like the pack of wolves nipping at his heals senses weakness and is ready to bring him down.  Sorry Jay but I don't think a clear victory is in the cards this year.  There are simply to many good competitors.

Phil Heath has been training all year with only one thing in mind -- winning the Olympia.  He has done nothing but aim at this event.  He is going to be even tougher to beat than last year.

Branch Warren is now the winner of the Arnold Classic and that means he also is a number one contender.  The guy has from now till Mr. Olympia to train and get ready.

Two other guys are surging right now and look really really good - Dennis Wolf and Victor Martinez.  Both of them came very close to winning the Arnold Classic.  If they keep surging, they will be right up there with the rest of them.

Evan Centopani can't be counted out as a dark horse either.  He may be new but he is definitely reached the status of player.

Now, there is Kai Greene and Kai looked very good a few days ago and if he looks even better at the Mr. Olympia that contest between Kai and Phil will indeed take place along with all the rest thrown in as well. 

In short, there are a whole pack of competitors that could take Jay's crown this year and I am banking that one of them will succeed.  Sorry Jay, I think it will be too much to hold off more than one.  Last year you really only had Branch and Phil to worry about.  This year, it is going to be Branch, Phil, Dennis, Victor, Evan and yes indeed -- Kai Greene.  This is shaping up to be very interesting indeed.

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