Saturday, May 28, 2011

Workout Log 2.41.4 - Back, Biceps, Forearms

Today I was feeling even better, so I decided to up the intensity slightly.  Kept the weight levels low but jumped from six exercises to eight.  Added 10 minutes of end cardio as well just to see how it felt.  Normally at this point I would be thinking 45 minutes, but that will have to wait till the end of next week.  This ends week 41 and now we go into the last week of this cut -- week 42. 

Motivation: 9.5 - encouraged.

Goals: Complete workout, good mind-muscle connection and good preparation.

Preparation: Meditation - 5 min. Visualization/Light Stretching, Cardio - 10 minutes Stationary Bike.

Weight Training: 12-15 reps, 45 secs. between sets, 90 secs. between exercises.
Deadlift: 135lbs. (3 sets): 15-15-15
Bent Over Row: 135lbs. (3 sets): 15-15-15
One Arm Row: 60lbs. (3 sets) 15-12-12
Alternating Bicep Curls: 26lbs. (3 sets) 15-15-15
Preacher Curls: 46lbs. (3 sets) 15-12-12
Concentration Curls: 20lbs. (3 sets): 15-15-15
Roll ups: 5lbs. (3 sets) complete
Behind Back Wrist Curls: 115lbs. (3 sets): 15-15-15

Cardio: 10 minutes Stationary Bike

Training Notes: I think my cold (which is in its last stages) is no longer affecting my energy level as it was pretty good today.  What is affecting it is my nutrition level of 2400 calories a day.  Cut diets are indeed brutal.  Next week will be the last of it so that will be good.  All goals were met today.  If all goes well my next workout will be Monday afternoon and I can rachet it up a little more.  Busy week ahead but have to get some training in too.

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