Monday, July 11, 2011

Workout Log 2.48.1 - Chest, Triceps and Delts - Body Stat Notes.

Today was Chest, Tri and Delt day,  I also hit the one hour mark for cardio.  It was hot today and I think I must have lost a few pounds just to sweat loss.

Motivation: 9.5 had to work myself up to it a little today.

Focus: 9.5 - small distractions

Goals: Good prep, Good mind-muscle connection, complete workout -- all done.

Preparation: Meditation - 5 min. Cardio: 10 min. visualization/stretching

Weight Training: (15-20 reps)
Bench Press: 110lbs. 20-17-12
Incline Dumbbell Press:30 lbs. 20-20-20
Dumbbell Extensions: 60lbs. 20-20-20
Lying Dumbbell Extensions: 20 lbs. 20-20-20
Lateral Side Raises: 20 lbs. 20-20-20
Dumbbell Press: 20 lbs, 20-20-20

Cardio: 1 hour. Preset #5 plus #6

Training Notes:  This was a lot easier than last time I did this workout.  Need to add weight in a lot of areas.

Body Stats Notes: dropped 1.4 lbs. this week no change in body fat %.  Water loss probably given the heat.  Diet is adjusted down slightly and no cheating this week. 

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