Friday, June 10, 2011

Workout Log: 2.43.2 - Legs

Leg Day is always a challenge.  It simple is the largest muscle group and offers a cardio workout at the same time.  A always try to isolate the different parts of the legs: Quads, Hamstrings and Calves.  Today I wanted to really nail things and have a short but intense leg workout. 

Motivation: 10 - looking forward to this one.

Focus: 9

Goals: Complete Workout, Good Mind-Muscle Connection, Good Preparation

Preparation: Mediation - 5 min. , Visualization / Stretching

Weight Training: 30 secs. between sets, 90 secs. between exercises
Leg Extensions: 120lbs. 15-15-15
Squats: 205lbs. 15-15-15
Front Squat: 150lbs. 15-12-12
Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift 60lbsx2:15-15-15
Leg Curls: 70lbs. 15-15-12
Calf Raises: 135lbs. 25-25-20

Training Notes:
If there is anything negatively affecting my workouts it is energy level.  To counter this I have been making the workouts shorter but more intense.  So far so good.  The diet I am on really does not have carbs so it helps to keep thing high rep but low resistance.

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